Google Algorithm Updates

Free tool to monitor the daily ranking volatility and SERP fluctuation statistics.

Monitor the Google Algorithm updates

The SERP Volatility Sensor monitors Google's SERP volatility by tracking daily ranking changes, providing early signs of potential algorithm updates.

With Google's frequent algorithm adjustments, SERP results can vary significantly. Whenever Google rolls out an algorithm update that has a bigger impact on your rankings, you'll notice this here.

This tool helps you gauge whether the industries you operate in are more or less susceptible to these changes compared to the broader search landscape.

Current SERP Volatility

History of Google Algorithm Updates

We live in a fast paced and ever changing digital world where understanding and adapting to Googles algorithms is key to online visibility.

Our Google algorithm updates overview is designed to help your business stay ahead of the curve, boost your online presence and increase your digital visibility.

SEO & The Google Algorithm

In the world of digital marketing organic search engine optimisation (SEO) is the foundation of online success. At the heart of SEO is the intricate dance between your website and Googles ever changing algorithms.

Googles algorithms are what power the search engine to deliver content to users around the world.

Google Algorithm Updates: Present - 2021

Here’s a list of every Google algorithm update in reverse chronological order from 2024 back to 2021.

Google Algorithm Updates In 2024

August 15·Core

August 2024 Core Update

  • Google considered feedback from the September 2023 helpful content update, which negatively impacted many small and independent publishers.

  • Some sites affected by the September 2023 update have seen partial improvements, though full recoveries have not yet occurred.

  • The help page has been updated to include more detailed guidance for those who experience changes after an update.

June 20

June 2024 Spam Update

  • Refining spam detection.

  • Focusing on substandard content.

  • Enhancing user satisfaction.

March 5

March 2024 Spam Update

  • Cracking down on deceptive practices.

  • Improving algorithms to better detect and penalize spammy content.

March 5·Core

March 2024 Core Update

  • Addresses issues with substandard content

  • Implements updated spam policies aimed at combating manipulative practices.

Google Algorithm Updates In 2023

November 8

November 2023 Reviews Update

  • Google unveiled an algorithmic update focused on assessing review content at the page level.

  • Initiated on November 8, this update is currently in progress.

November 2·Core

November 2023 Core Update

  • Google has disclosed a core algorithm update that commenced on November 2 and is currently in the process of being implemented.

  • For further details on core updates, consult the Google Search Central Blog.

October 5·Core

October 2023 Core Update

  • Google introduced a core algorithm update that initiated on October 5 and concluded on October 19.

  • For additional information on core updates, refer to the Google Search Central Blog.

October 4

October 2023 Spam Update

  • Google introduced the October 2023 Spam Update, commencing on October 4 and concluding on October 19.

  • Enhances coverage across numerous languages.

September 14

Helpful Content System Update

  • “Improved classifier” added to helpful content system.

  • Revisions to Google’s search documentation including:

    • Hosted third-party content

    • Content date changes

    • Content additions/removals

August 22·Core

August 2023 Core Update

  • Core update rollout started on August 22, 2023 and completion was confirmed on September 7, 2023.

  • Google did not provide guidance on update.

May 23

Topic Authority System

  • Introduction to system which elevates expert and authoritative content within Google Search Results & Google News.

  • Ranking/visibility signals implemented to understand publication expertise on niche topics & locations.

  • While Google had been using this system for several years, this was the first time they openly discussed it.

April 12

Reviews Update

  • Arguably one of the more volatile updates to the product reviews system, compared to prior product reviews system updates.

  • Guidance language on product reviews was altered to reflect all types of reviews.

  • Once titled as “Product Reviews System” now updated to “Reviews System”.

March 15·Core

March 2023 Core Update

  • The March 2023 core update brought no new guidance from Google.

  • Level of volatility was either equal to or greater than that of previous core updates.

February 21

Product Reviews Update

  • Determined as the final update to product reviews

  • Support for 10 additional languages was added as prior updates had focused solely on English-based reviews.

Google Algorithm Updates In 2022

December 6

Helpful Content System Update

  • Google launched this update with new signals added to its classifier.

  • It was a global update impacting all languages, and it overlapped with the link spam update (Dec. 14).

December 14

Link Spam Update

  • A global update aimed at neutralizing the influence of unnatural links.

  • The rollout overlapped with the helpful content system update (Dec. 6) and concluded on January 12 (29 days, longer than expected due to the holidays).

October 19·Core

Spam Update

  • Google implemented a spam update without specific emphasis on links, content, or other forms of spam.

  • This global update impacted all languages and was completed within less than 48 hours.

September 20·Core

Product Reviews Update

  • Launched in September 2022, coinciding with the September 2022 Core Update

  • aimed to reward English-language product reviews that provided helpful and useful insights to searchers.

  • The rollout was finished by September 26 (6 days).

  • On October 12, Google added more example categories of sites that may be impacted by the product reviews update.

September 12·Core

Core Algorithm Update

  • Launched three days after the helpful content update finished rolling out, the September 2022 core update was less significant than prior core updates.

  • The rollout was completed by September 26 (14 days).

August 25·Core

Helpful Content Update

  • A major initiative launched by Google to promote helpful and unique content.

  • This updated begun prioritizing original content tailored for people rather than produced for search engine results.

Google Algorithm Updates In 2021

December 1·Core

Product Reviews Update

  • Designed to reward product reviews that offered insightful analysis and in-depth, original research, this update was introduced in December 2021.

  • Google provided new advice for this update, encouraging more multimedia “evidence” and links to multiple sellers.

  • The rollout was finished by December 21 (20 days), and it had a greater impact compared to the April 2021 product reviews update.

November 30·Core

Local Search Update

  • Google rebalanced various factors in generating local search results in this November 2021 update.

  • Although the update was not confirmed until December 16, it concluded within 9 days.

November 3·Core

Spam Update

  • Google announced an update to its search spam detection systems.

  • Their guidance was for webmasters to follow Google’s best practices for search, which are outlined in Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.

  • The rollout was completed within 8 days.

November 17·Core

Core Update

  • Google reiterated its guidance on core updates.

  • The rollout was completed by November 30 (13 days) and made a significant impact.

July 1·Core

Core Update

  • This July 2021 core update was the second of two back-to-back core updates.

  • Like other core updates, it was comprehensive, making slight alterations to the entire algorithm.

  • The rollout was completed within 12 days, with a substantial impact.

June 2·Core

Core Update

  • This update was the first of two consecutive core updates in June 2021.

  • Google decided to release these updates separately, aiming to impact a wide range of sites with improvements.

  • The rollout was completed in 13 days, and it had varied impacts.

April 8·Core

Product Reviews Update

  • Launched in April 2021, aimed to elevate product reviews that surpassed the norm.

  • It encouraged in-depth research, insightful analysis, and was more open to input from experts or enthusiasts.

  • Google provided a list of nine questions for webmasters to ensure their product reviews met these criteria.

  • The rollout was completed within 19 days, and its impact was not as widespread as previous product review updates.

February 22·Core

Page Experience Update (Desktop)

  • This update, a part of the Page Experience Update, included all the signals from the mobile version of the page experience update, except for the requirement for the page to be mobile-friendly.

  • The rollout was completed within 9 days.

Please be aware that the list above offers a comprehensive summary of significant Google algorithm updates from 2021 to 2024, but it does not cover every minor update or the exact dates of all modifications. Google constantly tweaks its algorithm, and this compilation focuses on the major changes that have notably influenced search results and website rankings during this timeframe.

Partner with Leading Google Algorithm Professionals

Ready to boost your online visibility and start outranking your competitors, to drive more leads? At Bakklog our Google Algorithm experts will help you navigate the SEO and Google’s algorithms so your website stands out in search.

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